I’ve been into photography since the late 70’s. It helped pay my way through college while also paying for the addiction of photography by doing some freelance work for the college I was attending. The college paid me to shoot what I was probably going to do on my own any way. Back then I shot sports (basketball, motocross and boxing mainly) and landscapes.
I’ve lived in Washington State since the early 80’s working for the Navy as an engineer. During that time I discovered a passion for canoeing and have made several camping trips on rivers in the West. Among them are the Green and Colorado Rivers in southern Utah, the John Day in Oregon and the Snake River in Wyoming.
A few years ago my family and a friend had the pleasure of canoeing the Bowron Lake Provincial Park in British Columbia. This is an incredibly scenic chain of lakes and rivers that stretches for about 70 miles through the mountains in a rough rectangle shape. I hope to go back there someday.
Ironically when my son was little I didn’t do much serious photography. I took mainly snapshots of him growing up and family vacations. It wasn’t until he got older and into sports that I once again dug out the camera for more than just a quick shot.
Now that he is on his own I find myself getting more serious about my photography again. I hope that you enjoy the images on the site.
By the way, the left picture is by Neil Silverman and the right shot is by my wife, Janet, of me on my first official day of retirement.